This 8 week mindfulness adjunct class is available twice in 2023-24: Register as you would for any class for either the Fall semester class Blocks 3-4, OR for the Spring Semester class Blocks 5-6. We meet from 3:30 - 5pm on the 1st day of the Block (1st Monday of Block 3 if taking the class Fall Semester; 1st Monday of Block 5 if taking the class Spring Semester). Then continue meeting on Mondays from 3:30-5pm for a total of 8 consecutive weeks. 
Location: S.A.W. 236A (Simmer Classroom)

Please read the Intro below.  You can register to take this class for 1/4 academic credit, or register to take it as an audited class (just for the sake of learning and growth without the academic credit).
However, if taking this class for 1/4 credit read the expectations section of the syllabus including about attendance (no absences are allowed or failing to complete weekly practice and practice log, etc.) due to faculty legislation regarding adjunct class minimum contact and study hours). This class is not time consuming or difficult! You can do it!   
   The benefits of mindfulness training include stress and anxiety reduction, greater ease, increased skillfulness with difficult thoughts and emotions, better ability to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, and over all mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing. The result? More inner and outer peace. Given the challenges of our world, as well as the deep desire many of us have for being a calm, healing presence for others, now is great timing for dedicating yourself to this mindfulness training course. The benefits of this class will last a lifetime.
   Earning ¼ academic credit is great motivation for making this commitment to yourself. Think of this as a self-care and self-improvement class with academic credit benefits. Still, like practicing the piano in between weekly lessons…or doing daily physical exercise in between meetings with a trainer, so this training program (while learning evidence-based benefits of meditation and mindfulness) requires daily practice in between our Monday learning and support 90 minute sessions.
   That said, make sure you are committed to sticking with the assigned daily practices and related growth, especially if you are seeking academic credit (though you are also welcome to take this class for non-credit if that feels better). These small amounts of training will help rewire the neuropathways of your brain, retrain mental habits, and build greater resilience, expanded consciousness, and skillfulness with fear and stress.
   Think you don’t have time? That may be true. But most people find their daily mindfulness practice actually gives them more time (besides, it's just 15 min. on average--that’s less time than most of us waster surfing the internet or social media). You'll get more energy too as the practice helps reduce worry, spinning our mental wheels ruminating, and feeling stuck.     
   Meanwhile, if you show up prepared for all 90 minutes of our 8 weekly classes and do requirements spelled in the syllabus, you’ll earn academic credit if that is what you seek. You can repeat the class as often as you’d like with permission of the instructor.  Attached syllabus from spring 2023 will be revised for 2023-24.
     By the way, there are no quizzes, tests, or prerequisites other than making this commitment to yourself for personal growth and learning.
    Students taking this course have strong learning outcomes. You will too.