This is a movement education methods course that provides an understanding of the nature, behavioral characteristics, motor limitations, philosophy, and application of physical education and activities (team, dual, and individual activities) for persons with special needs and disabilities. Emphasis is placed on focusing on abilities while designing appropriate and meaningful individualized programs and activities needed for functioning in an integrated, segregated, community or home environment. This course is taught in adherence to the Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS) of Specialized Knowledge. The course should provide  partial preparation for Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE) certification and Class A Volunteer training for the Special Olympics. The course includes 15 hours of observation and practicum in community/public school or adapted sport program settings, while directly working with special needs students/athletes. In cases where it is logistically impossible for practicum placements, peer-clinicals or peer-review of videotaped lessons will be used for experiential learning.