Section Name Description
File MAT5-236 Differential Equations course syllabus
Page Grade cut-offs for our course

Grade cut-offs for our course

Week 1 Page Jan. 15-19 Sections covered/Reading assignment

These are the sections we will cover this week

Page Homework in Section 1.1

Homework in Section 1.1

Page Ostobee Zorn Dif Eq HW
File Ostobee Zorn Dif Eq HW
Do problems
2.5: 42,43, 45
2.6: 43,44,47
p. 203: 1,3,5
4.1: 6-10

Notice that I have made slight edits to the selections the groups made.
Page Recommended exercises in 1.2

Recommended exercises in 1.2

Page 1.3 Homework

Homework for Wednesday of week 1

File Homework solutions 1
Page Section 1.4--Euler's Method homework

Section 1.4--Euler's Method homework

Page Course files in assignments directory on the network

Course files in assignments (K: drive) directory on the network

Page Homework on Existence and Uniqueness

Homework on Existence and Uniqueness

URL (Emile) Picard site I mentioned

Here is a graphical presentation of Picard iterates from Mathematica

File Sections 1.4 and 1.5 solutions
Page 1.6 Homework

Phase Line

Page Bifurcation homework

Section 1.7

File Phase line and bifurcation homework solutions
Page Details on Ch.1 modeling lab assignment

Details on Ch.1 modeling lab assignment

Page Teams for Ch.1 modeling lab assignment

Teams for Ch.1 modeling lab assignment

URL Memory gets better with practice NPR story
Page 1.8 homework

1.8 homework

Page 1.9 Homework

1.9 Homework

File Section 1.8 and 1.9 homework solutions
Page Jan. 22 - 26 Reading

These are the sections we will cover this week

Page Section 2.1 homework

Section 2.1 homework

Page Section 2.2 homework

Section 2.2 homework

File Sample Exam 1
Page Snowball melting dif eq model

Snowball melting dif eq model

File Table of models
File 2.1 and 2.2 solutions
Page Section 2.3 homework

Section 2.3 homework

URL More damping--cool parachute story

More damping--cool parachute story

URL Damping illustrated
File Exam 1 solutions (not complete)
Week 2 URL Current research related to SIR

Current research related to SIR

Page Ch. 2 homework for Thursday

Ch. 2 homework for Thursday

Page SIR model homework

SIR model homework

File SIR homework solutions
File Euler for lab
Page Mostly reading for Friday of Week 2

Mostly reading for Friday of Week 2

Page 3.1 Homework

You should be able to do the early ones after your reading, the later ones might wait until after Friday morning class.

File 3.1 solutions
Page 3.2 Homework

3.2 Homework

File Straight line from class solutions
Page Mathematica assignment

Mathematica assignment

Page 3.3 homework
Page 3.4 homework
File Section 3.4 solutions
Page Homework in 3.5
File Section 3.5 solutions
File Bunch of Exam 2s zip file
File Sample Exam 2
Page Exam 2 guidelines

Exam 2 guidelines

Page 3.6 homework

3.6 homework

File Section 3.6 solutions
File Matching from class Tuesday morning

Problem 19 of the chapter 3 review. Here are the solutions to that problem.

File Mathematica for Dif Eq Model solutions
File Mathematica file
Week 3 File Exam 2 solutions
Page Final week sections

Final week sections

Page 3.7 homework

3.7 homework

File Section 3.7 solutions
Page Applications of Differential Equations Presentations

Applications of Differential Equations Presentations

File Sample presentation abstract
File Archived Applications of Differential Equations Presentation Abstracts
Page 4.1 and 4.2 homework

4.1 and 4.2 homework

Page 4.3 homework

4.3 homework

File Chapter 4 solutions
File Handy dandy trig identity explained
URL PhysicsGirl breaks a wine glass with just her voice

PhysicsGirl breaks a wine glass with just her voice

URL Original Memorex commercial

Original Memorex commercial

URL Tacoma Narrows Bridge youtube link

Tacoma Narrows Bridge youtube link

Page 5.1 and 5.2 homework

5.1 and 5.2 homework

File Chapter 5 solutions
File Final Exam take home part
File Mathematica - Laplace
File Dif Eq Presentation Abstracts 2-18
Page 6.1 homework

6.1 homework

Page Last, short homework on Laplace transforms

Last, short homework on Laplace transforms

File Laplace Transform solutions
Page Final Exam question outline

Final Exam question outline

Page Final Exam question by question topics (tentative)

Final Exam question by question topics

File Sample Exam 3 from our authors