The first day reading

The first day reading

by Xiaoyuan Zhang -
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By looking at today’s video, the Database system provides efficient, reliable, convenient, and safe. The database system has a lot of features. For example, database systems have several built-in mechanisms that ensure that the data remains consistent. It is the safety feature of the database system. Concurrency control is another characteristic that many users can control it at the same time. Convenience and efficiency are also important features. This system is easy to work with large amounts of data and execute queries over gigantic amounts of data. The video provides many key concepts. Key concepts include four parts. To begin with, the data model is used to collect the records, for instance, XML documents and graph data can be seen as examples. Schema is using to sets up the structure of the database. And then, data definition language is using to set up the schema. The last part of key concepts is data manipulation or query language that is querying and modification databases. This part is very important for people to understand the database system because these definitions give many specific explanations for people to create a framework of the database system. Furthermore, the video introduces the key persons that include four kinds of people who are DBMS implementer, database designer, database application developer, and database administrator. They build a system, establish schema, program that operates on a database, and load data, keep running smoothly together. The first video is a basic introduction for people who are the first time touching the database system. It not only provides good background information for people but also tells the preponderance of database systems. By watching this video, it shows that the database system is a useful and important invention to figure out the gigantic amounts of data.