Second Discussion

Second Discussion

by Austin Thomas -
Number of replies: 0

I have started using the w3schools tutorials to begin learning how to use SQL. Coming into this course I had no idea what this was. I now know that SQL stands for structured query language and that it allows us access and the ability to manipulate data. The first thing I learned how to do using SQL was to select all the records from a data base. Along with this, how to select specific columns/attributes from the data table. Next I learned that I can select a specific column and give the program conditions that must be met in order for them to show up on results. This is a cool feature because it allows you to be able to look only at the results you are interested in. Conditions can also have 'and', 'or' and 'not' statements meaning that you can give multiple conditions that must be met, meet one of a certain number of conditions, or to only see the results that do not meet a certain condition. Next I learned how to insert new records into the table. Then, it talked about what a null value is. A null value is not a value that is equal to zero, but rather a value that was left empty when gathering the data. This is important to know because you cannot run math on a null value. So, using the skills learned earlier I can now filter the null values out or select only the null values to see if and how many null values are in the data. I have gotten as far as to being able to update and delete values from the data base using SQL. Overall, I would say I have learned some pretty useful stuff and the website is a very good learning tool because it explains one concept at a time and then give you practice with that skill right away. It also seems like the skills are interconnected because you need to use several at a time in order to carry out the desired task.