Day 2 Write-up

Day 2 Write-up

by Killian Perrigon -
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            Today I decided to further my learning with W3Schools. These short lessons on each key command have been much easier to comprehend than I expected them to be due to the fact that I have had no previous knowledge of computer science before this class. Of course, the lessons are going to be much easier when it comes to learning versus actually using the commands in an actual string of text, however, I am looking forward to learning about it in more detail.

            The key commands I decided to go through today were from the “where” syntax until the “delete” statement. The “where” statement allows us to select distinct values that I want to single out in order to do what we wish, such as to ‘delete’ or to ‘update’ (essentially to replace). Next, I learned about the “and or” operators. The ‘and’ operator displays a record if all the conditions separated are true, while the or will do the same, but not all the conditions separated must be true. Next, I went into the ‘order by (desc)’ keyword, which allows us to basically sort the result / set in ascending or descending order. Following that is the ‘insert into’ statement that allows me to insert certain values into the table, which I believe means I can also insert NULL values, which isn’t a zero, it’s technically just a missing value. I can later on ‘update’ that null value by using the ‘update’ syntax, which is used to modify the existing record in a table. Or, I could simply choose to delete it using the ‘delete from’ statement and clarifying which condition I wish to replace.