The third day reading

The third day reading

by Xiaoyuan Zhang -
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By watching today’s video, the one part is what is SQL. Professor Widom provides some basic definitions. To begin with, it supports all major commercial database systems. What’s more, it interacts via GUI or prompts, or embedded in programs. Also, SQL is a declarative language and bases on relational algebra. Furthermore, it also has two kinds of language. The first one is data definition language (DDL) that has some functions such as creating a table, dropping table something like that. The second one is data manipulation language that also has some relatively important functions that are the select statement, insert statement, delete statement, and update statement and so on. Professor Widom also introduces the basic select statement that includes three sentences. The first sentence is FROM statement that represents the relations. The second sentence is the WHERE statement that shows the combined filter or filtering condition. The third sentence is the SELECT statement that comes up with what to return. These three sentences are the same as relational algebra that showed in yesterday's video by prof Widom. The second video is the example of a basic select. Professor provides several different examples. The first example is that the system should form a new table that should provide the student ID, Student Name, and GPA. The condition of this problem is that the table should be selected from the Student table and the second condition is GPA should be greater than 3.6. By using this description, the system will give a completely new form. Moreover, the WHERE sentence or statement also can add some extra conditions as well. Also, the table variable and set operator introduce in the third video of all videos. The FORM line is table variables. The WHERE line is set operators that are union, intersect, and except. Also, the examples of this part are important for people to understand too. For instance, two SELECT lines can be added by the Union operator. To be specific, SELECT Cname from College union SELECT Sname from Student something like that. Finally, by watching today’s video, the professor explains what is SQL, the basic select, and table variables and set operators.