Phillip Greenspun

Phillip Greenspun

by Scott Gasik -
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Scott Gasik


October 29th 2019


Phillip Greenspun graduated from MIT in 1982 with a S.B. in Mathematics but he is famously known for his “Tenth Rule of Programming”. Which is” Any sufficiently complicated C or  Fortan program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of common lisp."


Mr. Greenspun also created in which he ended up selling for 6 million in 2007. had over 600,000 registered users. On top of doing all of this, he has written multiple textbooks like “SQL for nerds”. Not only did he write books but he was also an early developer of database- backed websites which are the dominant approach to engineering sites with user contributions like amazon. He has taught classes at MIT in computer science and electrical engineering. Not only all of these incredible accomplishments but he also assisted in the first national kidney pared donation in which kidneys were flow from New Hampshire to St Louis.


Mr. Greenspun is very accomplished in the computer science field. Almost as good as Professor Tabak.