use case and class diagram

use case and class diagram

by Wentao Xie -
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Use case: in my use case, there are two actors, user and database. Users can produce various tables that shows data about Turing awards through querying the database. Specifically, there are two relations in the database, 'research field' that contains different research subject of computer science, winners in each field, publication information and download information, and 'winners' that contains basic information, name, birth, death(maybe), nationality and education. And users can update, delete, insert data. For database, it can export data, and store data that is inserted updated and deleted. 

Class diagram: there are three classes in my class diagram. first 'research field' containing public string type data 'research fields' and a same type 'specific theme'. This class 'contains' a 'winners' class, in this class, it contains all public type, name, a string, publication years, integer, publication count, integer, citation count, integer, available for download, integer, downloads in six weeks, integer, downloads in one year, integer, and the year that winner got the award, integer. This 'winners' class strongly links to a 'profile' class, and the type of the relationship that I want to use is aggregation, since the profile of the winner, or in other words, basic information, name, birth death, nationality, education of winners are also the information about a winner but these are different from the information about their research.

the attached pictures are my diagramsuse caseclass diagram