• Present your program alone or with a partner.
  • Show Javadoc documentation. Do not prepare slides for this presentation. Put all of your comments in your Javadoc.
  • Run the program for us.
  • Your program will read news from sources other than those in my examples.
  • Your program will display the elements of your user interface with different colors, font styles, font sizes, font weights, positions, sizes, and/or spacing than those in my examples.
  • Your program will have one or more buttons, menus, menu items, scrollbars, or other devices that give us a means to control what is displayed. If you choose to stay with the single menu that appears in my examples, you will be able to identify the classes and methods used to put this menu on the screen and respond to the selection of menu items.
  • Point us to a class or a method with which you experimented. Tell us how we can use this part of the API. Tell us why (for what purpose) we might want to use this part of the API.
  • Describe some challenge or difficulty that you encountered in the course of your work on this project. How did you resolve the problem? Did you learn a lesson that you think might be useful in some future project?
  • Describe some ideas for additional features. If we had more time, what might you like to add to your program? How do you think you might go about improving your application?

Last modified: Thursday, April 5, 2018, 9:29 AM