a. Give 3 different levels of user privileges in ebase.

b. Ruby on Rails uses the MVC development paradigm for structuring web applications.What does MVC stand for, and what does each component do (be brief)?

c. What statement in php is used to output information to the screen, and can be used in conjunction with HTML for text formatting? Give an example.

d. PHPMyAdmin is a useful tool for managing and working with mySQL server. How can you port a working database from one machine to another?

e. What statement do some programers use currently instead of closing the connection with connection.close() , and why do they use it?

f. With HTML / php, what is the POST array used for?

g. What is the easiest way to create an online form for Access using Microsoft Access Page?

h. MIMER uses what type of concurrency controls, and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

i. What does the Bake.php script in CakePHP allow you to specify about a data model (2 things)?

j. What are some of the tools Java gives us to manage concurrency and the issue of locking?

k. Who was Coldfusion made for and why is it now failing to reach this target?

Last modified: Monday, April 29, 2013, 2:23 PM