Penultimate version 4:30 p.m. 4/9/2019. This is nearly final--look for an update this evening.

1. Relational model vs XML vs JSON (based on Stanford videos)

2. XML

3. I actually have you produce a JSON record.

4. 3-tier  product name-drop

5.-7. PHP multiple choice


9. Cyber security

10. Fill in the blank over general course topics (including lab) 

11. Questions from project presentations You will be given a choice of 5 questions in this section--you won't have to answer them all. The best preparation for this is to have attended the presentations and reviewed the Moodle forum for this content. 

12. ER diagram
13. SQL queries
14. BCNF
15. 3 multiple choice from latest Stanford quizzes.

Last modified: Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 4:55 PM