The final exam will be similar in structure to our midterm exams. Specifically, the largest section of the exam will be short answer covering the material we studied in Chapters 9 and 11 plus additional material (e.g. XML video DB2 and JSON video DB3). In particular, architecture of 2-tier and n-tier systems. You are responsible for Python/sqllite and php in a LAMP/WAMP setting (you do not have to write code, but explain code that is provided). No coding details in other languages. 

There will be a question related to security threats related to SQL/databases.

Ch. 9 (20 pts.)

Ch.11, XML plus JSON (based on Stanford videos DB2 and DB3) (30 pts.)

Another section will be on the project presentations You will be given a choice of questions in this section--you won't have to answer them all. The best preparation for this is to have attended the presentations and reviewed the Moodle forum for this content. 

The final small section will be comprehensive. This will include 3 or 4 questions that synthesize our work or feature critical issues or skills--like  E-R diagrams, normalization, producing schema from E-R diagrams,  and basic SQL, including joins and subqueries. (20 pts.) 

Last modified: Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 2:23 PM