Tuesday's lab will be for pairs:

1. Log in to ubuntu. After you are comfortable using Workbench, pull up the Stanford DB11 video. You job in this lab is to reproduce the demos Prof. Widom shows on constraints. 

2. To see your first hands-on transaction and to see how sqllite works and experience python with databases

a. Complete the tutorial https://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2012/07/18/python-a-simple-step-by-step-sqlite-tutorial/.

This is written in Python 2, you will need to change the print command to a print function for use with Python 3.

b. Create a database to model our CSC314 projects. Minimally populate it. Produce a query in python that includes a join. 


Last modified: Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 7:51 AM