• Write a program in Java that reads data from a MySQL database. Download a MySQL Connector. Learn to use JDBC.
  • Learn how to parse JSON data with a Java or Python program. Compose a demonstration from which classmates who have little or no experience with programmer can learn the principal ideas. This page might help you get started.
  • Learn how to parse XML data with a Java or Python program. Compose a demonstration from which classmates who have little or no experience with programmer can learn the principal ideas. Start your learning here or here.
  • Show us how to install and use SQLite.
  • Find recommendations for Object Relational Mapping software for Java (or another language). Find arguments for or against the use of ORMs.
  • Show us to use MySQL Workbench. What might we gain through the use of this tool?

Last modified: Thursday, October 31, 2019, 1:51 PM