Suppose you are a legislative aid for either (1) a Member of Parliament or (2) the US House of Representatives. You specialize in technology related issues. Your boss directs you to produce a position paper that will include a technical briefing on the issues followed by your recommendation on the position she should take on this issue.

The two issues are

(1) For the MP, PM Cameron's proposal on encryption

see, for example,

(2) For Congress, Net neutrality.

see, for example,

  • Provide at least three salient points in favor of your position and refute at least three aspects of the opposition’s arguments.
  • Use as source at least two influential people and/or organizations that support your argument. 
  • Refer to specific negative consequences (eg. economic, political).
  • Refer to specific positive consequences (eg. economic, political).
  • Effectively use at least 6 external sources. 
Last modified: Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 9:20 AM