There will be problems from each of Chapters 2 - 8 of Abelson. Here are a few topics you should EXPECT:

Ch. 2 Expect an essay about the trade off between privacy and security

Ch. 3 For sure a little something about metadata

Ch.4 Search engine issues--for sure how Google rank algorithm works

Ch. 5 How public key encryption works. Essay related to encryption and security

Ch. 6 IP--for sure a fair use analysis

Ch. 7 Free speech including freedom vs. security (might be a little something on the legislative history of these efforts)

Ch. 8 Perhaps something about the legal repercussions of "the public airwaves".

You can deduce that there will be light coverage of Ch. 3 and Ch. 8.

App Inventor questions

Quiz questions taken from the web site quizzes, especially:

For sure something about procedural abstraction, and perhaps other things you have learned in your app development work.

Last modified: Monday, January 26, 2015, 2:10 PM