Paper 3 assignment

Write a researched argument on any topic related to the subject matter we have been studying.  Early in your research process you must identify within your topic area a problem, question, or controversy that requires from you a contestable thesis statement supported by your own critical thinking.  Use the introduction of your paper to engage your reader's interest in the problem or question you plan to address, showing why it is both problematic and significant.  The body of your paper should be your own contestable response to this question made as persuasive as possible through appropriate analysis, argumentation, and use of evidence.  

  • The length should be 6 to 8 pages, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font. Plus references.
  • APA citation style but no running head.
  • For sample questions, I will list examples on our Wednesday Week 3 topics of Computing and Education

Grading rubric

  1. Does the introduction effectively present the issue and the thesis, while evoking reader interest?  (10 points)
  2. Are the ideas sufficiently complex?  Are there good reasons in support of the thesis?  Is the argument logical? (30 points)
  3. Are opposing or alternative views adequately and fairly summarized?  Are the responses to the opposing views effective?  (20 points)
  4. Is there appropriate and sufficient evidence?  Is the argument well-developed, with appropriate details?  (20 points)
  5. Is the essay well organized into a unified whole?  Are there good transitions?  Do paragraphs have topic sentences?  (20 points)
  6. Is language style effective?  Is language well chosen for the intended audience?  Is the tone appropriate?  (10 points)
  7. Are sentences well constructed?  Is the paper carefully edited?  (20 points)
Last modified: Monday, January 26, 2015, 4:02 PM