Final project assignment


This is your chance to show off everything that you have learned in lab this term in a final project of your choice and design. You can design almost anything you want, using all of your programming knowledge to produce something that is interesting, useful and challenging. Ultimately, you should spend time designing algorithms and writing code. Think about the vast amount of knowledge you have gained (and you HAVE learned a lot!) and apply it in a fun way!


Your apps should be creative and useful. I prefer that you write your apps from scratch. If you are completely stuck for an app, you can start with one of the advanced tutorial projects and add cool features, but this approach will not score high on creativity points.

You may team up with one classmate to develop your app. Pair Programming ROCKS!

You need to know what your app will do (in general) by the time we meet on Friday.

Learn how to use comments in app inventor and comment your code. This will label it as your work and explain any difficult parts of the code.

Use meaningful variable names throughout.

App web page

You will host the apk version of your app on an app web page. We will learn how to do this in Monday's lab.


On Wednesday, February 4, you will give a brief (~6 minutes per person ) presentation in which you will demonstrate your final project to the class.  In addition to showing us what your program does, explain how you did it.  Walk us through the key components of your code, explaining your design decisions.  What was the most difficult part?  What changes would you make if you had it to do again?  Teach us something.  You will probably want to have 2 or 3 slides (on a web page, Prezi, Google presents, or PowerPoint) that pitches your app. Why should we pay $.99 for the professional version of your app?

The submission deadline is 8:30 AM on Wednesday, February 5th.  This is a hard deadline. You will submit a .aia and .apk file.

Last modified: Thursday, January 29, 2015, 9:04 AM