I will provide a moodle forum for projects. Please post there, in one paragraph, a description of your project. Be sure to include which database technology is featured and the team member's names. This description is due Wednesday of week 3.

The presentations will be Tuesday of Week 4. With 24 students in our class, we will have 8 teams of 3.  if we average 15-20 minutes per team we will be able to finish, with questions and transition time, in around 3 hours.

Each team will meet with me for half an hour on Thursday or Friday afternoon. I will bring a sign up sheet to lab.

A successful format for these presentations has been tell & show. Start with some web or PowerPoint or equivalent slides describing the technology or project, then finish by showing us running examples of the software or project you have completed. I will ask you to submit copies of the slides and the databases or equivalent (or links to same).

The content of the projects will be incorporated on the final exam in the following way. Part of your presentation will be to give a possible final exam question and, then to follow up in some way, its answer. The questions should be short answer, not true-false, multiple choice, single word, nor anything over a short paragraph to answer.

Last modified: Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 12:01 PM