The final exam is worth 150 points, but is only about 20% longer than the midterm exams.

It is approximately 2/3 over new material (since Exam 2--section 5.2 to 5.5, Ch. 6, section 7.1) and 1/3 explicitly comprehensive.

I will not distribute a sample exam, but will give you a list of problems and what they cover to aid in your preparation.


Q. Will I need to be able to do trig integrals to, for example, calculate Fourier coefficients?

A. The only trig integral is simple and is one of the optional problems. There will be a question or two on integral inner products, but they will be in polynomial spaces.

Q. Will there be definitions?

A. Not explicitly.

Q. Will there be formal proofs?

A. Yes. You will get your choice--choose 3 out of 5 propositions to prove.

Last modified: Tuesday, April 7, 2015, 2:38 PM