1. As we did in a week 2 lab, log in using username='compsci' and password='asatiifm'.

2. As we did in a week 2 lab, open a terminal (ctrl-alt-T) window and log into mysql with username 'root'. The password is the empty string.

3. Create a password for the root user:

compsci@csl21-l:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('csc314');
mysql> exit;

4. Create a symbolic link to phpmyadmin in the correct directory:

compsi@csl21-l:~$  sudo  ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
5. Open your browser. Enter 'localhost/phpmyadmin' in the address field. Log into phpmyadmin using username='root' and password='csc314'. Select the Users tab and then (midway down the page) the 'add user' button. I created a new user with username='irobot' and password='susancalvin' and 'check all' for global privileges.

6. Make sure you can put your html and or php files in the /var/www/html directory by setting permissions: In a terminal:
compsci@csl21-l:~$ cd /var/www

/var/www$ sudo chmod ugo+rwx html

When you sudo, it may ask you for the compsci password; it does not echo what you type but it is working.

7. If you prefer a gui, you may see and move files by opening the filing cabinet (2nd icon down on the left of your screen). You may navigate to computer, then var, then www, then html.

Last modified: Monday, May 4, 2015, 11:56 AM