Your first independent programming project will be to write an app for my use in assigning project teams. Your app should allow me to input some first names. It should allow me to specify how many teams I want. It will then randomly assign students to teams (team sizes may need to vary by 1). 

You have great flexibility in the design of this app, and I will grade it substantially on functionality.

Additional features:

Your app should use an action bar.

For full credit, add one of these features:

0. It behaves differently on phones and tablets (on tablets, it uses more of the screen real estate).

1. Program an easter egg, where through some backdoor allows me to override the random assignment for teams in some way.

In addition, I ask that you keep a log of your work on this project. Include a document that describes when you worked on it and what part you were working on. Submit that and your apk file here on moodle. This project is worth 25 points of your projects grade.

Last modified: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 10:24 AM