In honor of the tennis US Open going on as we study, your first independent programming project will be to write an app for scoring tennis (recall that one of the first and very simple apps we saw on Udacity was a basketball scoring app).

It should include point, game, set, and match scores.

You have great flexibility in the design of this app, and I will grade it substantially on functionality. It should be easy to use and easy to see the scores at any time.

An app with basic functionality will be worth 20 points. For the additional 5 points, add one of the following features:

0. It behaves differently on phones and tablets (on tablets, it uses more of the screen real estate).

1. It allows the user to enter a roster of potential players and lets the user choose who is playing in any particular match.

2. Allows users to enter an explanation of how the point was won (such as "Service ace") to allow for match analysis.

3. Another feature you propose and I accept.

I will ask that you intall your app on one of the tablets so I can see it running. You might want to choose a distinctive icon.

In addition, I ask that you keep a log of your work on this project. Include a document that describes when you worked on it and what part you were working on. You should have a running app at every stage! Submit that log on moodle. 

You may get as much help from classmates as you like, but the program you turn in should be your own. If you work with a partner, consider making different style and/or additional feature decisions.

This project is worth 25 points of your projects grade. It is due by the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Last modified: Thursday, September 10, 2015, 8:32 AM