This presentation is worth 10 points of your lab/homework course grade.

Presentations should each last exactly 10 minutes. They will be held on Tuesday, September 12 at 9 a.m. in our Law 309 classroom. Each talk should use 5 slides.

A good presentation takes steps to engage the audience. In particular, each presentation should, at some point, prominently feature a take-away. When asked, your class members who watch should remember SOMETHING about your talk.

Here are the areas that I would like each group to focus on:

Group 1: Material Design

Chapter 33 of our text

Group 2: Emphasis on performance tips

Group 3:  Emphasis on security tips

Group 5:  Distribution. Google Play (and if you like Amazon app store).

Cover the intro material under the distribute tab

Group 6: Android Wear

Last modified: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 12:44 PM