The final exam is worth 125 points of your course grade and runs from 8:30 a.m. to noon in our classroom.

Here are (preliminary) question topics that will be on the exam. Final version to follow by Tuesday afternoon.

Part 1. Common derivatives and antiderivatives (12 problems) You will complete the table of derivatives (8) and anti-derivatives (4) then turn in your answers. I will hand you a page with all the correct derivatives and anti-derivatives so you can have them correct on part 2 of the exam.

Part 2.

1. Derivatives using rules

2. Anti-derivatives 

3. Implicit differentiation

4. Fill in the blank: Derivatives are:  

5. Derive derivative of inverse trig.      

6. Derivate as limit of difference quotient

7. Concavity

8. Optimatization (not word problem) 

9. Match Graphs ( f, f') 

10. Geometry from first derivative

11. Differential equations (solve)

12. Differential equations (match model)

Last modified: Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 4:20 PM