The final exam is worth 120 points of your course grade and runs from 8:30 a.m. to noon in our classroom.

Here are the question topics that will be on the exam:

Part 1. Common antiderivatives

Part 2.

1. Riemann sum

2. Derivatives are:            Integrals are:

3. Indefinite integrals

4. Definite integrals

5. Area problem

6. Area function from graph

7. Integral from data

8. Taylor polynomial

9. Related rate

10. L'Hospital's Rule and limits involving infinity

11. Parametric function 

12. Differentiation rules

13. Graphs ( f, f', f'', F)

14. Optimization

15. True/False

16. Elementary Dif Eq.

Last modified: Thursday, December 17, 2015, 9:55 AM