1. Visit www.mathworld.com. Search on there for articles about spirals. Choose one or more kinds of spirals. Write a program with threejs that draws one or more spirals. You may work in two dimensions or three dimensions. You may represent a spiral with an uninterrupted curve or surface. Alternatively, you may place dots, cylinders, blocks, or other figures along a spiral path. Experiment with color and other properties of materials, lighting and shadows, points of view and perspective. Produce the most appealing and intriguing image that you can. Share your work with our class on Tuesday, December 20.
  2. Select one of the articles that Andrew Glassner wrote for IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications. Read it. Take detailed notes.  Compose a one page summary. Share that summary with our class on Tuesday, December 20. 

Last modified: Friday, December 16, 2016, 11:45 AM