Exam 1 will be held Wednesday morning in our CS lab. The exam will start at 9 a.m.

There will be two parts. A written part, where you answer questions (somewhat like our quiz) and a programming part where you write code or answer questions about programs with the help of Idle and the Python interpreter.

The exam will cover Chapter 1 through 8  of our text.

The programming part will have five problems:

1. a problem focusing on for loops.

2. a problem related to functions

3. a problem related to booleans

4. a problem where you find and correct errors in a program.

5. a problem where you make a small addition to a program we have looked at in lab or in class.

Unit testing is an important topic but there won't be anything from the test module in your programming problems.

Image processing is fun but there won't be any image programming in your coding problems.

The written part will be based on problems from our reading and lectures.

1. Expect a problem where you label elements of a large program.

2. You will trace execution of code with for loops, while loops, if and if-else statements, and functions similar to the reading quizzes in our text.

3. There will be a problem where you evaluate expressions (including booleans) as Python would.

4. There is a fill in the blank vocabulary problem.

Last modified: Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 1:51 PM