Exam 2 will again start at 9 a.m. Wednesday in our lab.

The exam will again be in 2 parts, one written and one with code.

The exam explicitly covers Chapters 9-12.  But it is, of course, comprehensive in that you use Python that you learned last week.

Written part:

There will again be fill in the blank on vocabulary.

There is a series of questions related to aliasing, mutable/immutable, and related topics. You will be asked to draw a reference diagram!

There will be code segments where you are asked what is produced, similar to our quiz.

You will be asked to write short code segments.

On the programming part, expect a to write a program that uses techniques from each of this week's chapters. The best preparation is to 1. Run and edit the code that is part of the interactive text. 2. Complete the lab assignments fully. 3. Work the recommended homework assignments.

There is a problem related to strings. 

There is a problem related to lists. Know how to use the sort method!

There is a problem related to reading and writing files.

    For example, I might have you read some names from a file, sort them, then write them to a file sorted.

    Or I might have you read some names and scores from a file and have you do some file calculations.

There is a problem related to dictionaries. 

    For example, I might give you a dictionary with words and their replacements and ask you to process/translate a string. (Similar to pirate problem.)

Last modified: Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 6:04 PM