Here are a few expectations of the modeling labs from Chapter 1.

Your report must be word processed. You can use MS Word or equivalent. Mathematica is also an excellent tools for your write-up.

Your report must include a relevant graph produced by a software tool we have used or equivalent. You may use the Excel spreadsheet we have produced, the d.e. graphing software that came with our text, or other similar software tool.

Your report should be tightly edited. Projects undertaken by teams of 3 or 4 are strictly limited to 4 pages.

In each of the models other than memory, there are separate problems that will allow each team member to take primary responsibility for the analysis and write up of that part.

Each team should submit just one report. I will make a drop box in Moodle for you to submit your completed report. This lab is worth 15 points of the homework/assignments grade for the course. Your reports are due Tuesday afternoon at 5 p.m.
Last modified: Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 2:59 PM