Your assignment is to choose problems and complete the following using Mathematica. For each, find problems from our text and with each problem include a label/comment with the source of the problem (use the little + tab at the top left of the notebook screen to change to text input). Include these in a .nb file and submit on Moodle. Due Tuesday by 5 p.m. 24 points of your homework/quiz grades.

1. Use DSolve to solve a differential equation you can solve.

2. Use DSolve to solve an IVP.

3. Produce a slope/direction field for a system (you might try StreamPlot, which was new in version 7)

4. Use DSolve to solve a system of differential equations.

5. Use DSolve to solve a system IVP.

6. Use NDSolve to solve an IVP you cannot solve analytically

7. Use NDSolve to solve a system of IVPs you cannot solve analytically.

8. Attempt to use DSolve to solve a differential equation you do not know how to solve. Comment on the result.

Last modified: Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 8:12 AM