/* An example to help students get started with GraphViz */ /* Leon Tabak */ /* Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, USA */ /* 06 January 2020 */ /* l.tabak@ieee.org */ /* Look here for more information: */ /* https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/pdf/dotguide.pdf */ /* See especially: */ /* Appendix A: Principal Node Attributes on page 31 */ /* Appendix B: Principal Edge Attributes on page 32 */ /* Produce jpg image file by typing: dot -Tjpg graphviz-demo.dot -o graphviz-demo.jpg */ /* Produce png image file by typing: dot -Tpng graphviz-demo.dot -o graphviz-demo.png */ /* Experiment by adding more nodes. */ /* Experiment by changing labels, styles, penwidths, and colors. */ /* Choose any of the X11 colors (find names of X11 colors on the Internet). */ digraph G { /* define maximum size of drawing */ /* the program will scale the image if necessary */ size = "6, 6"; /* define properties that are common to all nodes */ node [ color=mediumaquamarine, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgoldenrod, fontcolor=seagreen, fontsize=36, penwidth=8 ]; /* define properties that are common to all edges */ edge [ arrowhead=none, color=olivedrab, penwidth=4 ]; /* define special properties of each node */ A [ label = "parent" ]; B [ label = "child" ] ; C [ label = "child" ] ; /* define edges A -> B; A -> C; }