Section outline

    • Download, then extract files by typing: tar xzvf BST.tar.gz

    • Download, then extract files by typing: tar xzvf sort2ways.tar.gz

    • Download, then extract files by typing: tar xzvf exam01apr2015.tar.gz

      Add JavaDoc comments. Edit and elaborate the UML class diagrams in Dia. Include one or more links to relevant articles. These might include articles about binary search trees, generics or comparators in Java, or they might include articles about Hermann Hesse, his novel Siddhartha, or the most common words in German.

      Develop unit tests. Build upon the framework that is included in this project.

      Add or modify the code to get either (1) a means of evaluating the program's performance or (2) output in a more useful form. In the first case, you might measure the time required for the execution of the program when reading the first N words of the novel for several values of N, then create a table and a graph on a spreadsheet. In the second case, you might list the most heavily used words first and exclude the very short words (for example, articles and pronouns).