Welcome to CSC144 Software Architecture!

Welcome to CSC144 Software Architecture!

by Leon Tabak -
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We will meet in our laboratory (Law 113) at 9 a.m. on Monday morning, March 19. Our first order of business will be to divide ourselves into two groups. One group will meet in the laboratory from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. each day. The other group will meet in the laboratory from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

I will give you some choice but might also want to make some assignments of people to these groups.

We will all meet together in the afternoons from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in our classroom (Law 121).

We will use the NetBeans IDE. If you are planning to use your own computer (a very good idea if this is an option for you), you might want to install the software before our first meeting. There is a link on Moodle to the page on the Internet from which you can download the software. Please notice that there is a version that is bundled with Java. Installation of other versions requires that you first download and install Java.

We will use Java 8 this term. I am not assuming that you have any previous acquaintance with the Java programming language.

You may wait until we meet before installing software.