Goals / assignments for second week of course

Goals / assignments for second week of course

by Leon Tabak -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Colleagues,

  1. Please learn how to use the control flow statements of the Java programming language. Know this by the end of the day on Monday, March 26.
  2. Please learn how to create variables, including int, double, boolean, and array variables.Know this by the end of the day on Monday, March 26.
  3. Read The Java Tutorials where you need to learn more. Test your knowledge and develop your skills with practice on CodingBat. Track your progress. Be prepared to point to the lessons you have completed.
  4. By building on the landscape program that we demonstrated in class today and that we posted on Moodle, write Java code that draws your own landscape. Let's aim to complete this exercise by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 27.

I will share with you more goals and exercises for the second week of our course at a later date.