Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 16

And post your attempted decoding as a reply to the coded message. Always include your team/pair names.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Harper Kates -

By Harper Kates and Craig Scheer
In reply to Harper Kates

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Chris Gasche -


Natty Waggner and Chris Gasche
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Devon Hobbs -


Benton Karesh and Devon Hobbs

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Tianyi Zhang -


Linda Wang and Erlang Long

In reply to Tianyi Zhang

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Harper Kates -

By Craig Scheer, Harper Kates
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Chris Gasche -

Natty Waggner and Chris Gasche

In reply to Chris Gasche

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Tianyi Zhang -


Linda Wang and Erlang Long

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Chase Sonnemaker -

Chase Sonnemaker
Chloe Rice


In reply to Chase Sonnemaker

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Devon Hobbs -


Benton and Devon

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Tom Peterson -


Tom Peterson and Ethan Kupka

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Post your coded message as a reply to this message.

by Keynan Pearson -

Sorry I am late guys, but if you crack it I will buy you a drink from Zamora's!


good luck

- Keynan Pearson