Reflection on Tuesday Oct 22nd

Reflection on Tuesday Oct 22nd

by Nick Jonas -
Number of replies: 0

To build off of yesterday’s reflection, each person involved in building a database for an application is important in their own unique way. The key people involved in constructing a data are the database implementer, the database designer, the application developer and the database administrator. The database implementer builds the frameworks or system for the database. The database designer creates the schema for said database in accordance to what the application will need. The application developer writes the programs and the applications that will run on/use the database. Finally, the database administrator with moderate the application, and ensure it continues to run. Anyone who uses the databases created for whatever reason are database users.

In regards to terminology of databases, many of the vocabulary words mean the same thing. Take a table as an example. This table could be a list of students at a certain college. The table itself is a relation, as it stores the relation between the data and the attributes. An individual cell would be a type, indicating the answer type such as int or string. An attribute is synonymous for columns, in which all values per table category are contained. A row would be all information of an individual student contained within a row of the table. Other words for the same concept include tuple and record. The schema would be the form of the data presented. Moving on to a similar note, the data itself is made up of sets. A set is essentially a list of unique elements. A basic way to make a relation out of sets is a cartesian product. A cartesian product is the combination of sets, such that the amount of elements present within it are equal to the product of all the sets lengths.