The second day reading

The second day reading

by Xiaoyuan Zhang -
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To begin with, the relational algebra is a formal language. Today’s video provides two operators that are selection operator and project operator. The selection operator is used to pick certain rows and sigma represents the selection operator. The professor gives some examples to illustrate the selection operator. For example, the question is that students with a GPA greater than 3.7. The answer is that σ GPA > 3.7 Student. She also shows a relatively difficult question for us such as Students with GPA > 3.7 and HS < 1000 something like that. The answer to this question is that σ GPA > 3.7 ^ HS < 1000 Student. In this question, symbol ^ is used to represent the word And. What’s more, she teaches the project operator for us. The project operator is used to pick certain columns and Pi π represents the project operator. The professor gives some examples to show the function of this operator as well. For instance, the question is the ID and decision of all applications. The answer is that π Student ID, decision Apply. It will also form a new table to show the result. Finally, the prof shows how to pick both rows and columns. Her question is that ID and name of students with GPA > 3.7. The answer to this question is that π student ID, student Name (σ GPA > 3.7 Student). These operators are the basic knowledge for students to learn the new part of the relational algebra. Professor Widom shows some relatively high-level operators such as cross-product, natural join, and Union operator something like that. The natural join should be a good example for us to explain it. For one, it will enforce equality on all attributes with the same name. For another, it will eliminate one copy of duplicate attributes. The natural join is an easy method than the cross-product because it omits some unnecessary steps. By watching today’s video, the professor shows how to use different operators to figure out the different questions and also shows the function of these operators.