Third Paper

Third Paper

by Zac Finn -
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I was able to do all the exercise up until “SQL Insert.” I believe all the exercises prior to this one, we have practiced in some way in class. I feel really confident with the “SQL select” and the “SQL where” section, and I feel less confident with “SQL order by” section, but I was able to figure it out. It is nice to see what I know and what I need more practice on, and be able to get the extra help where needed. The “SQL Null” section is pretty self explanatory I feel, I really did not have any issues with it. I also struggled with the “SQL Update” section, so I will have to make sure I keep practicing till I understand and know how to do it. The “SQL Delete” exercise I think is the same way. I struggle with it a little, so I will have to go back and practice it. The “SQL Functions” exercise was a little challenging at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quick. The “SQL Like” section was all new to me, I believe I was getting the hang of it, but I am not for sure, so I will have to check later. Same with the “SQL Wildcards”, I found those exercises challenging too. The last categories I had no clue what I was doing, so I will have to try again later, and see if I can comprehend them better, and figure them out.