Day 3 Write-Up

Day 3 Write-Up

by Killian Perrigon -
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I thoroughly enjoy w3schools due to the step by step nature of the lessons. It breaks down everything with simple definitions about the key term and then shows you how to use it. Then it allows you to practice with it right away and checks your answers. One thing I do wish it had was the ability for us to slowly combine them all together and see an output so I would know what to expect from the commands I am putting in. Key things that I've learned from w3schools and what we've been doing in class is how sensitive the commands can be, such as if I forget a comma or a semicolon somewhere it will completely throw off whatever I'm trying to do. Also, it's really important to break down big problems into multiple small problems in order to accurately code programs. Looking forward to working more with making our own bigger and better databases like today in class.