day 3 reflection

day 3 reflection

by Garriott Jones -
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I enjoy this tutorial a lot not just because of the information provided and the new experience that I am getting, but I also like the fact that there are easy/laid out tests that I can challenge myself on at the end of each section. I like the simple examples of the offered database interaction, which includes querying, modifying, deleting, inserting, and much more that are provided. The tutorials that are provided by w3schools are extremely nice in learning the basic information regarding commands and operators when using SQL. One key thing that I learned is that it is super easy for you to update, delete, or change specific qualities from any given database. For an example of a basic command that is possible to use in SQL, if you are using the term order by, it can come in handy when trying to compare and contrast various attributes due to it giving you the option for an easier look at how the rows can be compared when using a certain condition. Another example would be if you are trying to show only an exact portion of the given data, using select or where lets you use your own conditions when using the query. A basic yet needed command that I saw was that SQL can combine two tables in multiple differing ways. This is needed in order to create, edit, and fully understand a given database. Another basic command that I plan on using in the near future is in the section on wildcards. I think this section is interesting and I plan on learning more from it because it allows you to choose particular rows based on the chosen condition. 

The programming language SQL has the ability to find the maximum and minimum of an attribute, the ability to sum an attribute, and the ability to average an attribute, which is a common quality in programming languages.