Philip Greenspun

Philip Greenspun

by Tianyi Zhang -
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Philip Greenspun graduated from MIT. He obtained BS and PHD there, majoring electrical engineering and Computer Science. He was a pioneer in developing online communities.

On his blog, he writes about his life, photography, computers and so on. I find something interesting in one of his blogs: So You Want to Join the World’s Grubbiest Club: Internet Entrepreneurs. Greenspun draws some flow charts about how to construct a website and how to gain money through the website. His thoughts in designing these flow charts are quite similar to the thoughts to solve problems through programming. The way he thinks about solving a problem inspires me. Entering Internet entrepreneurs is a big title. However, through Greenspun’s article, the problem is divided into several small problems like what contents should be included and how to interact with users to make money. It is kind of like divided and conquer algorithm. Also, Greenspun is an excellent photographer. There are photos of various themes on his blog. Besides his articles about computer science, these great photos should attract people to visit his blog as well.