Mingyuan's writting

Mingyuan's writting

by Mingyuan Gao -
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       By searching Philip Greenspun and viewing his own website, I found that he is really a great man, his life is divided to five parts by himself, the first is entertaining his kid, but I did not find the information about his kid, how many kids his has. And second, aviation, seems he really like aviation, he wrote a lot about how he learned to fly, how to land an airplane, and some advice about airline career. For the third part, he likes photography, he took a lot of photos and he posted them in his website, and knew one thing from his photos is that he had a dog, but the dog died at April 2009. Then, the fourth part, he loves travel, he left his foot print all over the world, even the Polar. Then, the last and the most important thing is that he teaches electronical engineering and computer science and research into the best ways to use the internet. The well-known Software Engineering for Internet Applications was built by him and a professor in Harvard University.