using use cases diagram in Turing award

using use cases diagram in Turing award

by Erlang Long -
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use case diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and users cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services and functions that the system needs to perform.

In software engineering, a class diagram in the UML is a type of static structure diagram that describe the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations or methods and the relationships among objects.(this definition comes from wikipedia)

In Our assignment, Turing award, there are several steps we need to follow, creating a first table with some giving initial attributes for Turing awards winners, the winners' first name and last name, birthdate, death date, which year they won Turing award and so on.then , the second table will include the some information for one scientist more specifically, they degree, they accomplishments.  Moreover, we need a primary key for each table that we can use it to be a link for helping us making a new relation covered all the information above.