What and Who for your projects

What and Who for your projects

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 4

Reply to this message with what you plan to work on and who the members of your team will be.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What and Who for your projects

by Chell Robinson -

Members: Kat, Chell, Nicci
Project: Create a database of items in the student orgs closet that are owned by either MeRC or Chess & Games--uncertain which organization we're going to help with as of this moment. The database should be accessible to officers of the specific club and allow for a 'check out/in' process so members may use the items.

In reply to Chell Robinson

Re: What and Who for your projects

by Chell Robinson -

We will be working with MeRC's inventory, and using Access so we can teach future officers how to use it more easily.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What and Who for your projects

by Emily Andrulis -

Brian Hixson-Simeral, Sam Caldwell, and I are working together on a service project for PAAC. We want to create a database that will store information on feedback and details from different events that PAAC hosts. We will be using MySQL for the database and we want to use PHP to create a web server and web client that we can present to PAAC for them to use.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What and Who for your projects

by Ally Lien -

Members: Eric, Ally, Ursula

Description: Our goal is to take a list of Magic: the Gathering cards and put them into a database for the Chess & Games Club. We were planning to use MySQL.