Looking for a group?

Looking for a group?

by Ally Lien -
Number of replies: 2

I thought I would make a post where people would be able to find teammates to work with for the final project. If you are not working with someone, post here to find a group.


I am also looking for two people to work with. Also if you have an idea for a project feel free to share your idea in a post

In reply to Ally Lien

Re: Looking for a group?

by Ursula Krishtal -

I also don't have a group yet. Id like to do something with business analytics and big data / nosql but haven't thought about details yet so I'm up for whatever.

In reply to Ursula Krishtal

Re: Looking for a group?

by Eric Andow -

I'm also looking for group members. I have a project in mind, which involves cataloguing a bunch of collectible cards owned by the Chess & Games club. However, I'm always open to do something else. Would you be available to talk after morning class tomorrow?