Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 8

Don't make it trivial but make it interesting. You will probably want to include this somewhere in your presention. On the final, each student can choose 5 of the 8 project questions.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Brian Hixson-Simeral -

Our question for PAAC service project: In our project, we chose a PHP generator that used modular code. In what ways was it modular? How was it split up? 
Answer: The PHP code was split up into three modules. The first was to generate the form options, the second set up the variables with the POST command, and the third had the SQL query we used to insert the data into our database. This modular design can be preferable because it makes it easier to make changes to the code and better understand what each portion is doing.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Spencer Rudnick -

Question: How do rails models correspond with the underlying database schema?

Answer: Models define relationships with other models. Running 'rake db:migrate' re-forms the database to conform to the models' specifications.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Eric Andow -

Q: What is the purpose of the PHP function json_decode? What does it most commonly return? How do we use the output?

A: json_decode() takes a string of JSON as input and returns an associative array representing the same data. If we don't know the keys for the array, we can use a foreach() loop to iterate through the elements.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Peter Tran -

What are (one of) the benefits of using Node.js?

It allows execution on the client, it’s asynchronous, and there is a large amount of community made modules.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Htut Khine Win -

What are the supported storage classes in SQLite? 

They are: 

1. Text

2. Integer

3. Real 

4. Blob

5. Null

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Dawit Tsigie -

Question: What is POST  in HTML/PHP?

Answer: It is an associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method when using forms.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Joe Sterchele -

For the Yahtzee group:

Session variables are used in what aspect of PHP programming?

Session variables allow information to passed from page to page wthout a loss of information.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Please submit your team's question (and answer) for the final here.

by Chell Robinson -

Question: What are Macros in Microsoft Access, and how are they used?

Answer: Macros are a method of creating triggers in the tables on which they are used. They can be used to enforce business rules in a database.