What is your project, who are your team members?

What is your project, who are your team members?

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 9

Post here, please.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

I'm looking for a team

by Huong Nguyen -
I would be willing to work on most tasks and will always reply to group work emails. Please reply if you have not found a team either or if you have a team and are willing to take on another person.
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Angela Aley -

I will be working with Galbraith and Micheal on an app that allows the user to play mad libs 

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Emily Andrulis -

Brian and I are working on a Checkers game app.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Chell Robinson -

Kat, Tony, and I are working to create an ear-training app for pitch matching.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Hwi Ram Jeong -

Hwi, Dawit, Nam, and Akash

We are working on an ordering app for moonlight cafe

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Ryan Conrardy -

I am working with Nobuki, we are going to create a basic app that allows the user to search for common injuries in sports and offers first aid treatment advice.  

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Natalie Powell -

I'm working with Nicci and Rollin on an app that uses a custom background service to listen for an incorrect login and takes a picture from the front camera if the wrong password is input.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: What is your project, who are your team members?

by Joe Sterchele -

TJ Robison, Tuli Leota, Sam Chalkley and I will be working on an app that will allow people to keep track of Win/loss records across an array of games. The app will check will hold a players overall record, overall record by each game, and player vs player records.