Information on our visitor from industry

Information on our visitor from industry

by Tony deLaubenfels -
Number of replies: 11

Alex Hubers is a Cornell CS alum currently working for  a startup called Get My Boat (

He will speak to us on a variety of tech professional and database related topics including
* Web Development and working as a software engineer
* MVC frameworks
* ORMs 
* Web languages and the trends seen today
* Web architecture (what is a server, what is the client, etc)
* Amazon Web Services (Amazon S3, EC2, EBS, SQS, et al and so forth)

For database stuff:
* Elasticsearch
* MongoDB
* The times I've crashed production by trying to update a table's schema
* The role NoSQL plays in today's web dev environment vs a traditional relational database

Please post your questions as a reply to this post, I will pass them on to Alex, and you can actually ask them when the time is right Monday afternoon.

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Tom Dang -

What advice do you have for us to avoid mistakes in working with any databases?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Tyler Wians -

What applications, languages, or other services are typically used for large corporations, such as Amazon, when dealing with database technology and web development?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Jeremy Novak -

When looking at all the Computer science classes you took at Cornell, which do you think changed the way you thought about computers the most, and how did it change your thought process?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Nigel Ticknor -

At what point is a paid DBMS+support like MSSQL or OracleDB worth it?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by John Ness -

Of all the things you learned in your studies what would you say was the most important to your success after graduating and working in the
"real world"?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Conor Burrows -
Do you prefer TinyDB or MongoDB? How is it working with the Amazon Web Services?
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Akash Surti -

Why do you prefer AWS over other cloud computing services? (eg Microsoft Cloud Services)

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Nobuki Harata -
I know you would want to keep increasing your skill set, but did you need to teach yourself more about programming to succeed in your job, or did you learn enough during your time at Cornell?
In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Ryan Conrardy -

What is your opinion on the NoSQL movement, is NoSQL becoming a better form of data storage, management, and information querying?

In reply to Tony deLaubenfels

Re: Information on our visitor from industry

by Jeff Klow -
After graduation from Cornell, how did you come to work for Get My Boat?